Tel: 07805 756 132
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Marie Finan Bsc (Hons) MBACP
Employee Counselling
It is not unusual for life to present us with challenging situations that leave us feeling overwhelmed. We all experience life-crisis issues, and these can impact us at different stages in our lives.
You may notice a change in the behaviour of a member of staff and be concerned. It may be that they show obvious signs of distress or that they are absent with no clear explanation. Experiences such as bereavement and loss, relationship and family difficulties, substance misuse and stresses at home can all preoccupy someone’s thinking and directly affect their work.
Having an open conversation with your employee and being in a position to refer them for counselling support puts you in a strong position to not only support your employee, but resolve their issues and keep disruption to work to a minimum.
While counselling is available on the NHS, unfortunately the reality is long waiting times, lack of specialist support and inflexibility of appointment times and locations.
At MF Counselling, I can offer bespoke packages that provide your organisation with the reassurance that you have immediate, professional support for your employees. The sooner support is in place, the less severe the potential impact as the employee rehabilitates quicker, which saves the company money in the long term.
Support can be arranged one session at a time, or based on a pre-agreed block of sessions.
To find out more about arranging counselling for an employee please contact me here or call 07805756132.